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  1. UN to change economic order ?

    February 15, 2015 by Tunya

    Settled Science Or Fraud, AGW Is Still Just A Tool To Change The World Order

    I came across a twitter reminder by Patrick Moore, former Greenpeace activist now an Anthropogenic Global Warming skeptic — “in case you had forgotten the IPCC wants to smash capitalism” — “intentionally transform economic development model”, Feb 12, 2015.  The link provided is

    (ISC readers please note that Robin mentions Christiana Figueres in her Jan 19, 2015 post.)

    Quotes from the article:

    – U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare

    – the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism

    – “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," says Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change.


    Questions arising:


    1. Just WHO is this “we”?  Are these people already in our communities?
    2. WHAT is the “defined period of time”?  Has this shift already started?
    3. WHAT is to replace the current “economic development model” (capitalism, free-market system, spontaneous natural order or whatever other names apply to the present state of affairs)?
    4. From WHOM do these UN officials get their authority to start imposing this new order?
    5. WHAT are the signals we can see to warn us that this is happening in our communities without our general knowledge or consent?
    6. WHICH means of persuasion will be used to pretend this is democracy in action?
    7. Could the shift — already noticed in our education systems — from traditional learning to 21st Century Learning Paradigm Shift be part of this overarching plan, again without general knowledge or consent?



  2. parents betrayed by schools

    February 11, 2015 by Tunya





    Tunya Audain

    HEADLINE — My son's school taught him to cook and I was left with the maths

    HEADLINE — The Trouble in our Schools

    [ After 45 years of pursuing the seemingly “lost cause” of active parent involvement in the education of their children I’ve now decided to write a book. As I Spring Clean a rather cluttered house I’m amazed at the history I’m uncovering from long shelved materials. ]

  3. Dumbing down & Dehumanizing

    February 4, 2015 by Tunya

    Dumbing Down & Dehumanizing

    As a grandparent I have seen “modern-day” education systems depart from the basics. Why? It’s obvious that children’s feelings of self-worth are truly damaged when they can’t even get on the ramp to active learning. Their first steps need to be solid before taking leaps into exploring and discovering new paths. Primary/Elementary years in school, by definition, are for that purpose — laying the foundation for future growth.

    Now, the reality of individual differences says that people learn differently. Indeed, using a variety of methods from the pedagogical toolkit is a good approach. Too bad, however, that under the sway of 21st Century Learning gurus, teachers are abandoning tried and true traditional methods that work well for some (and maybe most) of the students in a class.

    These practical methods should continue to be part of every Primary teacher’s toolkit. I refer to phonics for Reading and mastery of the four basic algorithms in Math. So many Math problems are written out — so the two abilities go together.

    This “caught— not taught” mantra, applied wholesale to all children, does damage to children and society! Forward to the basics!

    [BC is seeing parent concerns about Math curriculum deviating from the basics.  A petition is now circulating and media has taken notice and giving coverage.  Today I signed the petition with the above comment.]


  4. Ed Change Agents Come to Vancouver

    January 24, 2015 by Tunya

    GELP Comes To Town — Vancouver, Canada

    Of course, our province of British Columbia is part of the international coordinated network accelerating and pushing 21st C Learning.

    One of the main Change Agents in this “School Transformation” movement is, we know, Michael Fullan. Recently while housecleaning, I found papers showing he has been in BC from at least 1989 — that’s 25 years ago! 25 years of relationship building, massaging the notables, passing on the techniques for “leadership” of this “movement”, etc. His keynote was “New Cultures for School Improvement” at the “International Education Conference — Enhancing School Quality: Theory into Practice, Nov 1989.

    We've had our share of these Change Agents — Pasi Sahlberg, Andy Hargreaves, etc. — it’s not easy for the common observer to know much about the machinations behind the scenes of “needed” education transformation. So much is stealth work, behind the scenes, with the occasional obligatory “public consultation” — not authentic, merely a pro forma exercise.

    Such is the case with the latest manifestation of “public involvement”. On January 29, in order for us to remain on the “international stage” a panel of experts will engage “influential education, economic and business stakeholders” — “Why Education Needs To Transform”. Two of the main speakers will be Tony MacKay and David Albury, Directors of GELP (Global Education Leaders Partnership). Another Director, Valerie Hannon, has been here a few years back. British Columbia, from their literature, is considered a “jurisdiction” of GELP, along with others as Colorado, Kentucky, Finland, etc. It’s as if somewhere (?) there was a meeting of contending “transformation agencies” to carve up the arena ???

    Anyway, here is the link to the news release.

    Because there was such a clamor when this came out — invited guests only — a Webcast is now to be produced for people to listen in. I’m still trying to figure out this inscrutable note, but hope to listen when the time comes: “As the Wosk Centre has a limited number of seats, we invite you to follow the #BCedForum on Twitter @bcedplan and access a live webcast of the event here beginning at 8:30 a.m. (PST) on January 29th.” We’ll see IF it really is accessible. Two days ago I listened to the webcast from Fordham on ESEA, interesting, and I find it is still available on their site.

    I'll prepare a checklist of frequently used words — deeper learning, competencies, collaboration, etc.

    [published in Invisible Serfs Collar 150124]


  5. Highlighting Education Consumers – 2014

    January 12, 2015 by Tunya


    At a time when education has become Big Business it is fitting to pause and ask: Is the mission of education being fulfilled? Are consumers getting value from tax funds collected for the purpose of public education?

    Here is a quick worldview of some highlights in 2014 and signs for the future. What would you like to add?

    1. VERGARA LEGAL SUIT (California) — Student constitutional rights to a quality education were seen as violated due to teacher protections — tenure, dismissal and layoff provisions — with even greater unfairness in poor neighborhoods that did not qualify for best teachers. The lawsuit resulted in the judge’s agreement with the 9 students pursuing the case, ordering improvements in state statutes.

    2. EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (ESA) was an idea, turned into a model, which places education dollars into the hands of parents instead of “the system”. Arizona has forged the way for this modeling.

    3. AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM REVIEW highlighted the need to get parents more involved — handbooks with easily understood curriculum goals were recommended. Also, parental concerns regarding illiteracy emerged. The Report recommended that phonics be used in primary years to teach reading and that teacher training faculties must prepare teachers for phonics or lose their accreditation..

    4. DISCOVERY MATH BACKLASH in Alberta (Canada), where thousands of parent petition signatures triggered a hold on this 21st C Learning effort — as well as casting a shadow over the coming entire curriculum overhaul slated for March 2016. The message to the Ministry from parent groups is that it is key that the Ministry listens to parents, not just the educator side of the enterprise.

    5. TEACHER STRIKE & PARENT PAYOUT happened in British Columbia (Canada). When school was to start again in September and the teacher strike was continuing from June the Minister of Finance foresaw the predictable inconvenience to parents. To find other education opportunities or daycare for children under 13 a payout of $40 day during the September shutdown was arranged. This served to validate parents’ primary role in education.

    6. PARENT INTERVENTION IN LEGAL EDUCATION MATTERS GAINS HEADWAY. While the democratic principle of having voice in state decision-making that affects one is generally observed, this is not the case in education where parents are snubbed in teacher/government collective bargaining and education court cases. In BC while a parent intervention application was dismissed but a business intervention application was approved in an ongoing education court case an application by parents in Florida was successful. A teacher union legally challenged school choice legislation and a group of parents were granted intervention standing.

    7. PARENTS, NOT THE STATE, ARE PRIMARY IN EDUCATION — says the newly elected State Superintendent of Education in Arizona. In voting parents were given the chance “to reclaim sovereignty over their kids' education and minds” said the literature.

    8. MORE SCHOOL CHOICE, COMPETITION & PARENT POWER IN EDUCATION — That is the New Year’s (2015) wish of a trustee in Florida.

    [This review was posted on three sites:  Education Consumers Clearinghouse, EDUCAN and Educhatter.  I received positive feedback and hope to add supplements, and certainly looking forward to, at year end of 2015, to produce another review.  I invite comments and especially additions to the GOOD NEWS consumers — parents, students, taxpayers and well-meaning friends of the client cause in face of ever-encroaching producer capture — can appreciate. TA}