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  1. When will the dam burst for parents?

    August 25, 2014 by Tunya

    [my comment to Society for Quality Education on post — "What About The Others?"

    This was a guest column and here is the gist of it:  “I became a teacher in 2002, so that I could help my daughter from within the system. She has a learning disability.”  She ends up by asking what she can do for others: “I am really concerned that all children reach their own potential and that the schools need to aid that path to success.”  This was my reply.]


    When Will The Dam Burst Regarding Parent Rights In Schools?

    Today, we are dealing with the story of a parent who was motivated to become a teacher so as to help her own (special needs) child maximize her potential using the services provided by the subsidized public school system.  It worked.  The child is now a self-supporting taxpayer.  Good going Mom.  Now, the Mom wants to help others:  What’s the best approach?

    Seems to me what is happening in BC right now may give some hope and ideas.  But, surely, we don’t need a nasty teacher strike to get parents into the picture, do we?  Pressure-cooker valves are ready to start popping soon!

    You know, it’s not easy to say what might work for a broader population of parents.  I myself have been involved in the parent cause for over 45 years, and one thing I do lament is the fact of insiders (that is, teachers who are parents, for example) having an unfair advantage in capitalizing on scarce services.

    But, let’s put things on the table, and apply some perspective, and maybe something will arise.  As I said, in BC, I see new ground being broken.  The parent group is getting noisier.  The social media is full of considerable back and forth with a lot of pushback comments against teachers who say they are doing it (the strike) “for the children” — “our working conditions are their learning conditions”!

    It is significant that the BC government is offering a per diem  ($40 day for 12 and under kids) to parents who will be deprived of their chosen public school come September.  For education or daycare. This does show a recognition and verification that ultimately, it is the parents who are responsible for education and that the collected taxpayer dollars will follow the intended client, the student. 

    The history of parent involvement in education is dismal.

    This is my opinion:  This is the case of a natural, birthright, biological right and duty of parents toward their children’s development and education having been usurped by an industry (which, BTW, grows ever larger and bolder every year).

    This is chronicled in “Parents and Schools – the 150-year struggle for control in American education” by William Cutler (2000). 14 years ago he ended his book with an excellent paragraph (too long for this post) summarized here:  “A cycle of failure will repeat if the home and the school continue to follow their historical paths . . . families and schools are farther apart than ever before . . . Communication is the key to reaffirming their interdependence. Without it, there cannot be the reciprocity that once seemed to describe the relationship between the home and the school.”

    On second thought, perhaps this paragraph and this book may be a starting point.  Especially since we DO know that parent rights do exist but that they are relatively invisible (see my link above).  Maybe a heightened awareness that a few parents do appreciate the entitlements provided and most DON’T might trigger some written parent rights for all.  Stark unfairness is a great motivator for reform.

    In the UK there was a move by the government to mandate schools to be more responsive to parents.  The National Association of Head Teachers put on a course — Parents: Partners or Enemies?  I’m not sure how that went.







  2. Governance Failure in Public Education — Admitted

    August 22, 2014 by Tunya

    [posted to The Province comments, 20140821 on “The disgraceful truth about school dispute, Mike Smyth]


    Parents As A THIRD FORCE In BC Education


    Because this latest teacher strike befell at some of the most inconvenient times for students and their first responder advocates — their parents — a lot of penetrating questions have been raised. Firstly the graduates were tripped up in June.  Now, it is parents who are without any certainty as School Start looms with little hope of September days.  On top of that, taxpayers are grousing for rebates of school taxes.


    The biggest question, of course, is: Why has this turmoil been allowed to happen so frequently for 40 years?  Is it truly governance failure — by governments of various stripes be they socialist, conservative or liberal — buckling to demands of a public sector union for the sake of “labor peace”?


    The Minister of Education says that the dysfunctional paradigm of legislated “return to work” orders has to be broken — that he wants a negotiated settlement — that parents have told him they too want a negotiated settlement. 


    That parents are being brought into the picture in concrete ways is a real breakthrough — finally, the true “owners” of the educational responsibility are getting some recognition.  The $40 day payout to parents if the strike continues is verification of their obligation to see that education of their children happens.  Even if they have to do it themselves through home education, tutoring or finding other learning opportunities.  The parent info website is also another outreach to help parents find alternatives and keep them abreast of developments.


    This would not have happened if the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils had not been active.  They wanted a collective voice in matters educational in BC and wanted to support the rights of individual parents who want to play instrumental roles in their children’s education.


    It is this promised or inferred sharing in decision-making that is, however, making the education establishment nervous — teacher unions in particular, then some academics, then administrations and bureaucracies who like the status quo.  Assertive consumers are not welcome.  Thus we see that interminable school wars between the union and the government are NOT unwelcome.  In fact, the teacher union may even be seen as a convenient scapegoat by which the monopoly public service is kept relatively stable.


    Whatever happens in the end regarding this strike, this is an opportune time for parents to make sure that overtures for involvement go beyond lip-service.  Parent rights need to be enunciated and written down.  The concerns about special needs need to be wrestled down — audits re current spending, are there sufficient teachers equipped to teach appropriately?; are parents able to access resources in a timely manner?; etc.  


    And let’s face it, teachers and education system. Parents do want their children to read proficiently.  When will there be a sincere commitment to this goal for all students?  The basics are foremost in parent minds if the system would only listen.  Accountability is something parents and taxpayers want assurances about.


    In a democracy those most affected are supposed to be involved.  Time to cut parents into the front lines of decision-making.


    This Third Force in the education picture in BC is a most welcome event.  Let’s build on it! 




    August 21, 2014 by Tunya

    [Posted to Society for Quality Education blog of 2014 08 21]   

    Commitment & Training Come FIRST Before $$$ & ###s

    You know what’s happening in BC?  Teacher strike threatens to last all Fall.  Teacher union wants more funding ($$$) and more teachers (###). 

    Government has a website for parents What To Do —  Have the kids take Food Safe, First Aid courses, get some credentials.  Download free textbooks.  Etc.  In my essay to the parent group, which had an emergency meeting this weekend, I suggested a few points:

    *** With the government making 3 important concrete overtures to parents — $40 day for under 13yr olds, the parent website, and the Minister of Ed on public TV saying he wants to get parents involved — I warned that this could be lip service UNLESS parents presented some conditions — parent rights, real special needs requirements met, and a COMMITMENT TO READING.  

    *** Re:  special needs  —1) audit where current SN $ is going; 2) specifically trained SN teachers (Is there training available?); 3) regular teachers need to have skills/tools to help identify SN and work with parents to get proper services.

    *** Re:  Reading.  I said the education establishment has to stop seeing phonics as an ABOMINATION and use it as part of the tool kit to teach reading to early learners.

    *** Re:  Poor reading and “pipeline to prison” connection, I said that the usual refrain of “correlation does not mean causation” is FALSE in this instance and that this connection does hold — a large percent of prisoners can’t read and were NOT taught to read.

    *** Please see this Letter to Editor relating to the strike, then read comments.  It’s amazing that educators still see Self Esteem must precede Reading.  Amazing, that someone suggests a whole host of gimmicks, including a “reading ring” !  Will all these homeless people and prisoners be given a “reading ring” instead of being taught in the first instance with direct instruction?  Why seek technology instead of avoiding human teaching as evidence proves it works?   How can we still, in 2014, accept the WILLFUL STUBBORNNESS of the trade to refuse to teach reading?

    People and politicians need to really weigh the preventative costs against the resulting negligence burdens — economic and human that result from crippling the young by our unaccountable education systems.  There is probably 1 to 10 ratio of prevention vs negligence costs.  Any economists help figure? And remember, psychic costs and human suffering cannot be measured in $s.

    That’s why I’m really hoping this BC teacher strike really starts asking these important questions.  These questions are popping up, and there is real NERVOUSNESS that parents, as a THIRD FORCE, may FINALLY bring some common sense to the field of education.   


  4. Parent Role In Education “urgent”

    August 16, 2014 by Tunya


    [published in Society for Quality Education blog,  16 August 2014 ]

    PARENT ROLE IN EDUCATION "URGENT"  —  In Child’s Lifetime !

    Parents’ first interest is the well-being of their child — not the outer world.  This is a biological imperative of all parents, be they mammal or human.  In the ideal progression of Nature’s Rules the young will become self-sufficient and independent with the guidance of their parents.

    The initiative by the government of BC to payout $40 a day to parents when their chosen public school is unavailable due to a teacher strike is a FIRST in Canada.  The public policy principle supported here is that it is the parents — ultimately — who are responsible for the child’s education. 

    I have found 7 good reasons why this is sound public policy — Diversity, Devolution, Self-determination, etc.  During controversy on this issue in BC I have posted widely on these points , which are expanded on my blog

    What I want to emphasize is the “here-and-now” aspect of this issue.

    Of course, media is being swarmed by those in opposition, with negative comments as “It’s a bribe”,  “The money belongs in the system”, etc.

    But, it is the parents who must act to keep their child advancing developmentally and educationally. They cannot wait for the system to get its act in order.

     The post above references an AIMS commentary, which in turn references a very troubling article from SLATE

     It is the following viewpoint that further supports my views that parents must act in the lifetimes of their child, not for some future utopian dream:

     “ . . . if every single parent sent every single child to public school, public schools would improve. This would not happen immediately. It could take generations. Your children and grandchildren might get mediocre educations in the meantime, but it will be worth it, for the eventual common good.”

    I disapprove of the above mindset.  That is another reason I support the $40 day idea.








  5. Don’t Polarize Parents During Labor Strife

    August 15, 2014 by Tunya

    TWO sides bargain in secret during contract negotiations — teacher union and employer (the government). Public opinion seems to be a big part of the "bargaining", thus both sides COURT parents, especially, to take sides.  Increasingly in this turmoil of Teacher Strike/Gov Lockout 2014 parents usually come out 50/50 split, whether for or against the $40 per diem payout to parents if the strike continues into Sept, or for or against either party in the dispute. But Surprise FOLKS ! — We are see more and more parents now saying they are taking sides FOR THEIR KIDS and want a solution, often tossing out an exclamation — "POX ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES!"   Below are two comments I posted on the Parent Group site.]


    To BCCPAC before their Summit (16 Aug) to discuss teacher strike ( in Posts to Page)


    If a doctor withheld medical information from a patient and the patient died the doctor could be sued for wrongful death. 

    What happens when the school system, because of teacher job action, causes Progress Report Cards to be withheld? This happened twice in the last two disputes. The first time the teacher union asked the LRB (Labor Relations Board) — not a court, but a legal entity nonetheless — to be excused from Report Card writing. Most were withheld. But in some dubious wisdom, some were sent home BLANK.

    The School Act says the parents are to receive these Report Cards 3 times in a school year. What purpose do they serve?

    One — By legally sending the RCs to parents, this very act validates the fact that it is the parents who are ultimately responsible, and they are to be kept informed of progress or not.

    Two — Parents are to use that information in their ongoing planning for that child — keep him in that school, find another school, advocate for more services, home educate, get tutoring, etc. — precisely to be on top of the child’s educational development and to step in when intervention is called for.

    The above essay talks about the “disabling” of parent rights through the courts. I’m adding that withholding Progress Report Cards from parents via LRB decisions further disables parent rights and actually serves to “deskill” parents from their duty to their children.

    Here is another issue BCCPAC should examine — the illegal withholding of Progress Report Cards


     DON'T POLARIZE INTO CAMPS                          Aug 15

    I have seen where both the BCCPAC President (Nicole) and VP (John) are trying to establish a strong position for the group, quite outside of the camps of the two bargaining parties. Nicole has said on CKNW that a survey was taken. She said, “People complain that BCCPAC sits on the fence, but our members are so divided, that’s where we are right now . . . but we are trying to get off that fence to create a position of our own, and to be out there loud and proud.” John said on Facebook that he’s not interested in fences, but a separate pasture for parents. 

    The calling of an emergency Summit meeting of provincial representative parents bodes well for the future of a Parent Voice in education in BC. Finally! For too long parents have been taken for granted by the system. And, with the parents speaking out, this means parents are themselves now more assertive.

    The Finance Ministry $40 payout to parents also bodes well for the acknowledgement that it is parents — ultimately — who are responsible for their children’s education — that money from the taxpayer-dedicated Education Account should follow the child. This payout will happen if the teacher strike continues.

    The Summit is a great opportunity for parents to focus on what would help them, as individuals, and as a collective, to promote parent rights and student rights in education. For example, I would hope a strong statement could be made about the withholding of Report Cards during the last two job actions. This is illegal, in my opinion, and should never, ever, be a bargaining chip in negotiations.

    Also, shouldn't BCCPAC want to see some accountability for present special needs money — does it really reach the child with specially trained teachers? Is a forensic audit of that money called for? 

    Furthermore, the discussion of alternatives and choices is long overdue in this province. In this 21st Century so much is known and available that a veritable paradise of diverse and effective approaches can be obtained for each and every student in BC. Go, parents, go!