Congratulations, TDSB! Flat is in! Right in the middle! Is this happenstance as TDSB apologists claim or is it deliberate dumbing down?
Was this a leadership project guided by graduates of the FLAT CURRICULUM PROGRAM?
Consider this: Al Gore comes to Toronto for some coal fumes alleviation ceremony with Kathleen Wynne, Ontario Premier. See the headlines for Nov 21, 2013 Al Gore and Kathleen Wynne to hold love-in.
But, is it a coincidence that a day after Al Gore’s visit, Wynne announces: “Ontario education needs to move beyond focus on 3Rs to foster skills like creativity, collaboration, community and critical thinking.”?
Why do I mention Gore? Because he connects with the movements that want to curtail prosperity in aid of sustainability programs. Because he has connections with the Fabians, the 130 year old organization dedicated to spreading global socialism — incrementally and irreversibly — motto: Educate, Agitate, Organize.
I was alerted to the global agenda last year when an education official from our Ministry of Education spoke to parents. This was one month before our provincial election May 14, 2013. The message was to this effect: Be prepared for a shift in education, a transformation, from content to competencies. We must test what we value — the competencies: collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking. It doesn’t matter who wins the election. The changes are going ahead. It’s international.
Coming back to the FLAT CURRICULUM. Is this a joke? No.
It’s a full-fledged program originating with a professor in Australia, Julie Lindsay, providing credit courses and presentations on global education and related to UNESCO programs. Here is her book:
“Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time (Pearson Resources for 21st Century Learning).
So does TDSB fit? For those of us outside the TDSB orbit, will there be a “flattener” come to our town soon? Remember what I keep saying about Alberta education — the tall poppies needed to be cut down. Alberta’s former exemplary international school performance rating has now suffered significant slippage. The gurus have left town and the levelers carry on.