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Let’s talk about schools – 1984 more issues

February 4, 2014 by Tunya

From the pamphlet — Let's Tallk About Schools — which help frame discussions (BUT not limited just to these items) here are more os the 41 issues:

20.  Is the separation of authority to govern the public schools suitable in light of current conditions? Should school 

board requests for greater autonomy be met? Should school board powers be reduced, expanded, or remain 

the same? Would enlargement of school board autonomy Improve the effectiveness of schools? 

21.  What processes and mechanisms might be devised to ensure that the Provincial Government and school boards 

remain accountable to society at large, and responsive to the needs of local communities?

22.  Is the current system of political accountability satisfactory or should new instruments of accountability, such 

as recall and local initiative be considered? 

23.  Should individual schools be permitted to have a school council made up of parents and other community 

members? To what extent should such councils have powers delegated by school boards? 

 24.  Should all school board employees be covered by the same collective bargaining rules? 

25.  Should the present system of bargaining be retained? If not, how should it be changed? Should the scope of 

bargaining be expanded? 

26.  Should compulsory and binding arbitration be retained for teachers? Should strikes and lockouts be permitted 

as an alternative to arbitration?

27.  Who should set levels of school board spending? The Province? Local school boards? The Province and School 

boards together? 

28.  Should school boards be allowed to raise taxes above those required to sustain basic levels of school service 

determined by the Province? 

29.  Is the goal of equality in schooling best served by the Province establishing a basic level of service that must be 

provided in all school districts? 

[more later]

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