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Reporting “to” Parents — Vanishing

February 10, 2014 by Tunya

Without consent of the public, "transformations" are happening (being imposed) in government public education systems in many parts of the world.  This is 2014.  One such "transformation" — the Common Core Curriculum in the US — is being seriously challenged and may not last the year.  

Part of the "transformation" relates to how parents are informed about their child's progress in school.  The principle behind reporting to parents is so that parents can help monitor progress — and STEP IN when progress is not as expected.  Reporting to parents is now, in the manuals, changed in wording to say "communicating with" parents or other such phrases.  Often this means parents do not get letter grades by help them see if their child is at GRADE LEVEL.  

Here is a cartoon that illustrates the problem.  Note the words — construct, inquirer, creative — part of the new language.



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