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One Worst School System

July 14, 2014 by Tunya

One Worst Education System

Funny, how every nation thinks they have the best system — and it must be public education by government teachers, centralized curriculum planning, compulsory, graded, age-related groupings, etc.

Yet, schooling systems in different countries differ substantially from each other.  What is agreed, universally, is that each nation must have ONE, universal system. 

Books have been written about the “one best system”, a search for an efficient, progressive structure — producing docile, conforming students.  A book that had considerable influence was even called, “Dare Schools Build A New Social Order? by Counts.  This one did have considerable influence in foreshadowing current social justice and equity agendas.

A book worth reading is “Progressively Worse” by Peal.  Further explanations why illiteracy, poor math, entitlement mentality are outcomes in progressive schools. 

Can we agree we’ve now evolved “one worst system”?.  Yet, people, or those in the education establishment, still insist that they must be in charge — they are to call the shots — one system for all with dribs and drabs of a few options here or there. 

The “One Worst System” is dreadfully scared of a publically funded arrangement where clients, not producers, drive the provision.  Choice is the only way to open up the field so that both clients and producers can build the relationships necessary for the best education possible for each child.  So much is known about what good education for individual needs can achieve.  It’s such a pity that rigid control freaks and ideology run the show!

It’s such a hopeful (Yes, hopeful!) signal that there is so much more discussion about options in education being tried out in different parts of the world — charters, vouchers, School Savings Accounts, low-cost private schools, etc. etc.  And let’s not forget the sure way, without much debate, that stands the test of time and prepares so assuredly for college or career readiness — Home Education — and the old standby (besides many curriculum choices now on the market) — the old standby — World Books course of studies which will guide you safely and easily to being well-educated without the hassle.  See their durable list of many decades for all 14 levels P-12

How I love reading the simple expectations.  Would but the public schools match these expectations!

[My comment to Society for Quality Education, July 14, 2014,



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