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‘Obstacles’ Category

  1. Education Oppression — 101

    February 16, 2014 by Tunya

    When an oppressed people witness a call-to-arms, yet are held back, an outsider from M*A*R*S will ask:

    W*h*y don’t these people rebel?  They are not hungry so aren’t storming the warehouses.  They aren’t slaves and escaping to freedom.  They aren’t without voice as there is an abundance of media to help their cause. 

    Here is a man hollering for school choice, the crowd is yelling “NOW”, but nothing is happening.  W*H*A*T IS THE PROBLEM?

    To help this M*A*R*T*I*A*N understand, we can list 100 obstacles.  Here is a start to name “NAMES” and PERCEPTIONS

    1          POLITICAL CORRECTNESS               Self-censorship happens because years of conditioning and ridicule prevent one from calling a spade a spade — speaking to TRUTH is blunted by expectations of what “politeness” demands.  

    2          FEAR               Actual or perceived HARM limits natural responses to threats.  Speaking out invites possible injury to students held captive, to advocates who may be shunned, to reporters who



    nanny state growth







  2. math the new gold mine — to be milked !

    February 14, 2014 by Tunya

    Mathematics is becoming a battlefield  Parents, of course, want it as part of the THREE Rs.  Only when international PISA scores were announced, and slides in achievment were noted, did people start looking at the issues.  One of the issues is that employers seem to be more eager for graduates from the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathermatics)  specialities.  

    But, we are finding out that things have been happening in MATH quiet beyond our wildest imaginations.  No wonder parents aren't able to help their children with Math homework.  Also, teachers are saying they don't want kids taking Math homework home.  Why?

    A lot has to do with "transformations" happening — inquiry and discovery are two new methods.

    So, if you want some flavor of how “discovery” or New Age math will be like, please watch this short 4 minute video of an Arkansas parent opposing the Common Core and demonstrating how a simple “rigorous” math question is turned into a 108 step “discovery”, exploration and problem-solving personal experience !

    BUT, Math is also becoming a ripe field to mine, or "milk" for political ends, for social justice, for changing the world!

    I order this book and will report later:  Opening the Cage – Critique and Politics of Mathematics Education, Skovsmose & Greer (Eds), Sense Pub, 2012.

    Opening the cage addresses mathematics education as a complex socio-political phenomenon, exploring the vast terrain that spans critique and politics. Opening the cage includes contributions from educators writing critically about mathematics education in diverse contexts. They demonstrate that mathematics education is politics, they investigate borderland positions, they address the nexus of mathematics, education, and power, and they explore educational possibilities. Mathematics education is not a free enterprise. It is carried on behind bars created by economic, political, and social demands. This cage might not be as magnificent as that in Tagore's fable. But it is strong. Opening the cage is a critical and political challenge, and we may be surprised to see what emerges.



  3. 40 yrs ago — More recommendations

    January 29, 2014 by Tunya

    Why is your education Ministry reluctant to seriously increase funding, as demanded by so many?

    The reason is that most ALL Ministries are relatively well-connected to each other, and they ALL see the writing on the wall.

    More cost efficiencies are the serious issue, thus talk of abolishing small school boards into regions, or moving to mayor control . . . The bloated administrations do NOT RELATE to student needs…..

    So, as the systems implode, I'll keep showing how recommendations of the past were not heeded.  Waste, narrow self-interest, corruption — all play a part today in people's cynicism about our public government education systems.

    More reccommendations from 40 years ago from Public Testimony on Public Schools

    6   State legislatures seek to coordinate all education related services.

    7   State guarantee the right of teachers to organize and negotiate on matters relating to teachers' wages, welfare, and benefits.

    8   Basic ground rules for bargaining be established to provide each side with balanced incentives to reach agreement.

    9   Align budgetary procedures to guarantee that neither side is unfairly constrained in reaching a collective bargaining agreement.

    10   Set rules and guidelines that guarantee fairness to all sides, public access, and public influence . . . open meeting laws be establilshed at all levels to encouragbe public discussion and dissemination of information.

    11  Ensure adequate and proporetional representation in the political process through the election of all local school and school council members.

    12. Appoint a task force in each state to revitalize the educational system as an accessible and responsive democratic institution providing equal educational apportunity for all.  

    [Well, I see that bringing forth these old recommendations certainly causes some “pause”.  Forgot all those parts about collective bargaining which was a teachers’ cause.  They must have seriously organized their inputs to this “citizens'” commission.  Today people complain that it is the organized teacher union movement that is a major obstacle to education responsiveness.  In contrast, the parent cause has still been left in the dust!]





  4. Why Home Education Matters

    January 26, 2014 by Tunya

    [Please see earlier article:  Birth of the Home Education "Movement" in this blog, Jan 11 That piece was also published online here  After a month I submitted amplifation to my views with the following, particularly my polint about the significance of the One Percenters.  In this day and age, January 2014, that remark takes on greater importance as anxieties spread concerning 21st Century Learning projects now being incorporated into education systems internationally without the forsight of proven evidence or approval of the communities served.]

    Why Home Education Matters

    I wrote the article “The Birth of the Home Education Movement” in 2010 after we knew that home educators in California were safe from legal sanctions or having their children seized for truancy. There was that political threat before the courts in 2008 – claiming that parents needed teaching credentials before teaching their children at home.

    In explaining the issues on an education blog I had mentioned how important this case was and that it was a godsend in this day and age that we had the quick services of the Internet to communicate and raise the alarm and support the cause. I had sent many comments to as many outlets as I could – ranging from Focus on the Family to John Stossel program and as many homeschooling sites that I could find.

    However, one naysayer said: “So what? They’re probably only 1 percent of the school population.”

    That is when I knew I had to write about the freedoms that home educators exemplify in a world growing increasingly unfree and compromised by political and power agendas. I had to point out how prescient John Holt was when he made his famous quote on freedom – a proclamation against the dangers ahead – that should be tacked-up on all our bulletin boards:

    “Today freedom has different enemies. It must be fought for in different ways. It will take very different qualities of mind and heart to save it.” – John Holt

    When I had met with John in Mexico, during the lectures of Ivan Illich of “Deschooling” fame, he was still an ardent school reformer. He was aware of home educators and that they were few and far between and rather timid about legalities. But, John was struck by my comments about intending to educate my children at home – by the firm resolve I showed. I was bolstered by the fact that my research had shown that school acts in the UK and North America provided the “elsewhere” or “otherwise” language to do so. That is when he exclaimed “Smart City!” – a comment which actually threw me as I had never heard such a term before.

    I think my adamant firmness of belief was what caused what I have called a “Eureka moment” and others have characterized as a “conversion” to home education. It wasn’t that John Holt was unaware of these home educating possibilities. It seemed to me then, as a young mother with two little children and agreeing with him about the themes of his early books (How Children Fail, How Children Learn, The Underachieving School), that he had this “Ah-ha! Moment” and started considering a switch from his school reform efforts to supporting a home education movement more akin to his beliefs about education.

    In my article I called his efforts the beginning of a “movement” even though I was well aware of the Quakers, the Moores and others in their work with Christian families. John Holt had the mailing lists, the networks and the foresight to start his newsletter “Growing Without Schooling” and the rest is history, I said.

    The One Percenters in Home Education today, with the growing literature and materials available, provide a solid testament and inspiration to many who embrace alternative, independent forms of education. Additionally, these One Percenters are a visible and steadfast witness to legislators and opponents about the validity and legality of educating children in family units.



  5. Taking Education To Court

    January 23, 2014 by Tunya

    There are two kinds of courts for seeking justice.

    We have the law courts — with lawyers, huge expenses, victims/perpetrators — and eventually some judgment with remedies prescribed (maybe). 

    And then there is the “court of public opinion”  — with media, movies, good guys & bad guys — and public opinion mobilization that might actually influence reforms.

    In the first category, the legal, one of the most profound court cases in education was Brown vs Board of Education (1954) that outlawed school segregation by race. It has had long-lasting benefits to civil society.  Another case with anticipated long-term benefits was the Rick Moore case (2013), which established the right of a dyslexic child to special services. It took 15 years for this case to weave through the courts but eventually, the Supreme Court of Canada declared that “Adequate special education is not a dispensable luxury . . . it is the ramp that provides access to the statutory commitment to education made to all children . . . ”

    However, a year later, the father is dispirited, cynical and dubious that responsiveness will improve for other learning disabled students.  Yet we are told that as many as one in five people are dyslexic to some degree. School systems and training outfits pay little attention.  Obviously, the clients’ needs are not being heeded.  So, whom does the public education system serve?  That’s the Big Question.

    In the “court of public opinion”, much has been happening worldwide.  Petitions and campaigns do help raise consciousness.  Many movies have been produced that slam education systems for abandonment of intended purposes — Waiting for Superman, The Lottery, etc.

    In 1987 I proposed a MOCK TRIAL to a Future of Freedom Conference in California.  I was able to only get as far as producing a brochure but got no uptake from others to advance the idea. Below are some pieces and quotes from the brochure:

    PUBLIC EDUCATION ON TRIAL  “School has become the planned process which tools man for a planned world, the principal tool to trap man in man’s trap.  It is supposed to shape each man to an adequate level for playing a part in this world game. Inexorably we cultivate, treat, produce, and school the world out of existence. Ivan Illich, 1971.

    – On a small secret island, SANOS, live several hundred who hived-off because they saw a totalitarian doom descending on them.  They resolved to be the “last man” — guardians of the human spirit. One day, they receive a desperate message from the bigger world — “Help us to reverse our self-destruction . . . losing the power of intellectual effort to even keep doublethink straight . . .

    – Bringing to SANOS some of these petitioners,  after 3 days of court proceedings, it is determined that:

    – The public school system is the source of the self-sabotage and the remedy is to dismantle the infrastructure.  These are the “crimes to humanity” deemed to have been perpetrated — erosion of the family — dumbed-down public — killing the joy of learning — atrophy of democracy — growth of dogmatism — habituation to “experts” — dependence on the state with few choices or exits — individualism curtailed — economic sluggishness — voluntarism mocked  — extinguishing introspection.

    [NOW, in 2014, reading just a few excerpts from the brochure, I am surprised how prophetic were my speculations. 26 years ago we were NOT so subjugated as we are now.  Today, suspicions and anxieties are being expressed regarding the 21st Century Learning “transformations” being imposed on schools in the Western World.  My fervent hope is that a movie could be made along the lines of this mock trial to hammer home some of the real misgivings regarding these imposed changes.  Changes which not only alter curriculum but also make serious intrusions into worldview, mind, brain and emotions. ]