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‘Parent Tribal Memory’ Category

  1. Soviet Psychological Warfare — a factor in education subversion ?

    February 26, 2014 by Tunya

    Water off a duck's back.

    Why do sane, sensible people — those with tons of evidence about the folly of imposing untested and dubious education experiments on our young people — get so easily dismissed and cast as troublemakers, or worse?

    Could it be that we've been taken over by an alien ideology whose very proof of its entrenchment is the easy destruction of its critics?

    An old video of an interview with a Soviet Defector during the Cold War explains the techniques the KGB used to infiltrate the US.  What this video demonstrates is not just American penetration but also that of other Western nations, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Australia.

    Here are some clips from the video

    " . . . the main empahsis of the KGB is not on intelligence at all.

    85 % spent on a slow process ideological subversion, or active measures, Or psychological warfare  — to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent, that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions — in the interests of the  family,  themselves, their families,   their community and their country.

    It’s a great brainwashing process, which goes very slow, and is divided into 4 basic stages

    1          DEMORALIZATION of a nation, takes 15 – 20 years.  That is the minimum.  Why, because it takes that many years to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy  — expose to the ideology     of Marxism/Leninism 

    It’s being pumped into the soft heads of three generations of American students  — without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism,  American patriotism.

    The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already  — for the last 25 years.

    Actually, it’s over-fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously [Russian leaders} wouldn’t even dream of such tremendous success

    Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards. 

    Exposure to true information doesn’t matter any more.  A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, authentic truth, documents, with pictures — even take him by force to show him Soviet concentration camps, he will refuse to believe it — until he gets a kick in his fat bottom.

    2 The next stage is DESTABILIZATION.  This time the subverter does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption,,,,,,  this time 2-5 years  to destabilize a nation

    what matters is essentials — economy, foreign relations, defense system. In such sensitive areas as defense and economy, the influence of M/l ideas in the Un St is absolutely fantastic, I could never believe it, 14 years ago when I landed in this part of the world, that this process would come this fast.

    3  The next stage of course is CRISIS. Could only take six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis, and with a valid change of power, structure and economy, you have the so-called period of

    4 NORMALIZATION.  Which can last indefinitely.        normalization, is a  cynical expression, borrowed from Soviet propaganda  —  When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in  ’68 Brezhnev said  “Now the situation is normalized.”  This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise the people all kind of goodies, a paradise on Earth, to destabilize the economy, to eliminate principle of free market competition, and to put a Big Brother government in Washington, DC




  2. Freedom be damned — Transformation of Education will happen — like it or not

    February 25, 2014 by Tunya

    How FREEDOM is being compromised — how our 21st Century is like no other — bears a close watch.

    Right now forces are at work to TRANSFORM public education in many nations without our knowledge or permission.  Let's not forget all this is also a big experiment, and the usual protocols for how human subjects are put through the paces are nowhere to be seen.  What if there are HARMS that result?

    Anyway, in your school, in your community, watch for the signals of something DEEP happening — even on the scale of a global world government project !

    It’s a dead giveaway.  If you hear someone rhyme off the 4Cs without skipping a beat, you know you’ve got someone programmed to push “international  “21st Century Learning.

    Kathleen Wynne, Premier, ex-Ed Minister,  got it right — “creativity, collaboration, community and critical thinking.”  Usually, though it’s “communications” for her “community”, but anyway, you get the picture.

    Look for concepts thrown around like “deep thinking”, “going deeper”  — remind you of Transcendental Meditation maybe?  NO, it’s the new “transformation”.  BTW, “transform” and “transformation” are frequently used words. 

    Not “evolve’  mind you, where things happen by degrees and with considerable involvement and understanding.  “Transformation”, on the other hand is imposed and deliberately directed by “leaders” and guided through common documents, and really rather sneakily.  “Shady”, says Stotsky who was once on the CC Panel who broke away from sworn secrecy to raise an alarm.  She’s not the only one from that group.

    Please, just give Google a try.  Use these words — 4cs 21st Century Learning — and you’ll soon be on the track — the international trail.

    Two key books on the topic of Common Core and international agendas are:

    “Credentialed to Destroy – How and Why Education Became a Weapon” by Eubanks (see the reviews on but order from ca) and “The Story-Killers: A Common-Sense Case Against the Common Core”. 

    Spend an hour to hear Dr. Moore about the curriculum expected if Common Core is adopted in the US —

  3. suing the schools for fraud

    February 24, 2014 by Tunya

    Transcript of conference: Suing the Schools for Fraud: Issues and Legal Strategies. Transcript of a Conference: Fraud in the Schools. 1973

    "Our speculation on these events lead us to, forecast a case of fraud emerging in the educational arena., Based on this forecast we surveyed 200 individuals in the fields of law, school administration, government and universities One of the fundamental conclusions by 80% of the respondents was that a case of fraud would emerge and succeed within five years."  That forecast was in 1973.


    "He Was Graduated But Cannot Read


    As far back as 1970, Stuart A. Sandow foresaw 
    suits by "poorly educated" against schools for fraud as an emerging 
    problem in education law.

    Peter Doe v San Francisco Unified School District, 1972

    • general negligence
    • misrepresentation
    • breach of statutory duty
    • constitutional duties

    The student was of normal ability as determined by his school district.  He graduated and upon examination by two private reading specialists was found to be reading at grade 5 level.  His parents paid for private tutoring and has made significant progress in reading level. 


  4. Teacher Training Under Increasing Scrutiny

    February 23, 2014 by Tunya


    “Transformation” is the “IN” word for changes to school curriculums in a good number of Western nations in this, the 21st Century.

    Some changes are occurring simply to stay in tune with changing technology — and to capitalize on its ability to assist learning and teaching.

    Some changes are being prescribed for purposes of globalization — employment, trade, peace, understanding of different cultures, etc.

    Other changes such as come under names as Common Core or Personalized Learning or 21st Century Skills are presumed shifts being imposed to change mindsets in preparation for more central control, either by nations themselves and/or United Nations style of world governance.

    Yet other changes are originating directly from teacher training facilities for left-wing ideological and political purposes.

    It is the latter change that is now gaining some concentrated appraisal as being out of step with what a democracy purports to be about, that is, informed citizens consenting to their governance structures. That is, NOT having one political philosophy implanted into a population through compulsory monopoly government schools.

    Here are just three recent signals that teacher training will be under greater examination in the future:

    1  Denver, Colorado, school system is training new teachers in new ways for their expanding demands, ways that will speed up the process and avoid politicized teachers: “Universities and colleges design their teacher training programs to stress radical left-wing social and political ideals, just like the unions. The colleges are also generally pro-union and work to instill that idea in students.”

    2  Australia has just announced —Education Panel to Review “Faddish” Teach Training. Feb 20, 2014

    “‘And there is evidence that our teacher education system is not up to scratch. We are not attracting the top students into teacher courses as we once did, courses are too theoretical, ideological and faddish, not based on the evidence of what works in teaching important subjects like literacy.’‘

    3  The Lexington Institute, Lexington, Virginia has produced a study: Radicalization of Teacher Education Programs in the United States, 2012.

    “ . . .do parents who entrust their children to the government-controlled schools have a clue about the radical agendas that many ed-schools are pushing upon teacher candidates? . . . so it is that schools gradually concentrate less on their traditional mission of teaching useful academic skills and factual knowledge, and more on leftist indoctrination of the nation’s youth and radical transformation of schools and society.” (4,5)

    The Lexington Report is direct, gives names, texts, and considerable evidence of the pervasiveness of this left-wing project.  Worth a serious read if you care about your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. 

  5. fight or flight – parents & education

    February 22, 2014 by Tunya

    Monty Roberts, horse whisperer, in his book says living beings have two responses to a challenge — fight or flight.

    Parents, on the whole, I find would rather flee than be involved in confrontation.  Sure, they want to advocate for their child, but if they have a choice, they will leave.

    Far too often advocating or just asking simple questions the parents is made to feel inadequate or simple-minded.

    On the other hand, I think teachers and the bureaucracy are "fight" minded.  They defen or rather seem "defensive"/

    Public education is really a scarce resource, and any extra but needed services are rationed out.  They usually go to the insiders first.  

    These are some of the reasons we need a lot more choices in public education.