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‘Parent Tribal Memory’ Category

  1. Sedition, Mean-spiritedness in school decision making ? ? ?

    March 24, 2015 by Tunya

    Mean-spiritedness Or Responsiveness — What Guides School Decision Making?
    The decision by the Nanaimo School Board to designate a K-7 elementary school as Departure Bay Eco Academy does not come without political overtones.
    In a statement to the press Board Chairman, Steve Rae, said, “We're hoping this kind of thing draws kids back from the private system.” Thus one must wonder if this move was based on educationally sound principles or adopted as a recruiting tool to boost enrollment.
    Unfortunately in BC right now, if one follows the social media, we would note a persistent undercurrent of activism trying to undermine the rather harmonious relationship currently in place between the public and independent systems in education.
    This Nanaimo decision reminds me of what happened in Maple Ridge School District 15 years ago.
    In their effort to appear responsive the Maple Ridge school board decided to survey parents as to their preferences. The survey form clearly stated the results would “help plan the future direction” and listed 10 choices including “other” or “None of the above”. The models listed were:
    – Traditional (emphasis on basics, discipline, parent involvement)
    – Progressive (children learn by discovery, less emphasis on grades)
    – Environmental
    – Self-directed (emphasis on independent learning)
    – Fine Arts (e.g., music, art, drama)
    – Skilled trades
    – Sport academies
    – Technology academies
    When the results were released a month later the media headlines picked up on the leading result — Support for traditional school. The tally was 63% for traditional, 53% for fine arts, 32% for sports academies, 31% for progressive, and 28% for environmental.
    But the politics soon kicked in. The “progressive” school of thought (the predominant philosophy operating in BC public schools) rallied against the conventional parent point-of-view (which is generally your back-to-the basics, traditional expectations) and guess what? It was an environmental school that was the new program!
    It is really too bad that parent choice and voice are so dismissed by those who push a totalitarian progressive approach. In Nanaimo it was parental choice of private schools that was the target. In Maple Ridge it was the parent voice showing a preference for traditional schooling that was skillfully thwarted.
    I think it’s time that the provincial government, through new laws, provided a level playing field for all parents in BC. There should be a uniform code of behavior that applies equally to both the public school sphere and the independent.
    There is a little known clause in the Independent School Act that forbids the practice, promotion or fostering of “social change through violent action or sedition”. In simple terms sedition is the subversive undermining of the peace and authority of the established social order. It’s time that the Public School Act had a similar clause applying to the 89% of schools that are public. Families should not be under constant bombardment from activists who would deny education alternatives in our free province of BC!

    [newsstory here ]


  2. URGENT: Parents & Education Reform

    March 23, 2015 by Tunya

    Australia Needs To Enlist Parents In Urgent Education Reform

    It is so clear to me — even though I am in Canada and thousands of miles away from Australia — what needs to happen.

    Within the space of one year Australia has had THREE reports that sharply indicate what has to happen.

    The three reports:

    – Review of the Australian Curriculum — reporting after 6 month consultation across the nation
    – Action Now: Classroom Ready Teachers — report on current teacher training
    – What Makes Great Teaching? Review of Underpinning Research — research report on evidence

    I believe the spur for this level of activity was the growing concern with the previous national curriculum, which was loaded with New Age and 21st Century Transformation narratives. As Nick Cator wrote, Jan 14, 2014, in The Australian: “Do we want educators or evangelists? Do we send children to school to ‘create texts that inform and persuade others to take action for sustainable futures’?”

    The recommendations are enumerated in all reports and remain to be acted on. Will it have to come down to a heavy-handed approach for indicated changes to happen — legislation, removing accreditation from training outfits and lifting the licenses of teachers? Or will there finally be some common-sense that will magically appear?

    Given that the industry of public education itself has been too often resistant and even dismissive of all this avalanche of evidence and public expectation it’s time to really bring in the troops — the consumers.

    I saw a recommendation in the curriculum review that really made sense — getting parents genuinely involved. I don’t know the particulars intended, but these are some of the means by which parent muscle can be brought to bear: parental choice of schools between progressive, traditional or other philosophies; handbook on parent rights; handbook on student rights; curriculum outlines in clear language; workshops for parents on pursuing individual student educational needs; standardized accountability measures to keep schools on task; rebates for out-of-school tutoring expenses; tax credits for private schools, school-based management; etc., etc.

    In the days of the one-room school house if the teacher did not teach the expected basics the parent board fired the teacher and recruited another. That’s the kind of clout that parents too long colonized by their “masters” need to regain if children are to be educated in their lifetimes for a challenging world.

    I just wish that we in Canada (North America generally) had such clear signals as shown in the three reports by which we could go about cleaning up our education swamp.

    [The Australian story referred to is here — ]


  3. Phonics Issue Revisited

    February 18, 2015 by Tunya

    [For people absolutely green to the issue discussed here — there are basically two main styles of reading methods being used in schools today;  PHONICS which is sounding out letters approach (decoding) and building a vocabulary & WHOLE WORD which is memorizing lists of words and finding meaning in the context of the written material.]

    Revisiting The Phonics Issue

    There’s been a renewal of interest in phonics as an effective method to teach reading. Actually, it goes way beyond interest — TWO national governments, UK and Australia, are bringing in mandates to ensure that reading is truly taught, not “caught” as some educators are wont to say. After the latest curriculum review in Australia one news headline read: “Education minister orders universities to teach phonics or face losing accreditation.”

    After all — most people do agree — without reading confidence a student’s academic career is essentially stuck.

    It’s important to understand the phonics issue because the education field itself has been stuck due to this standoff. About reading methods, two camps have emerged — phonics and whole word — and we have seen hundreds of books and articles and many decades of fierce arguments. However, parallel to the reading division, there is also the division in philosophy of education — splitting into traditional and progressive camps. Therefore, in political polarized terms — it’s RIGHT vs LEFT — settling more-or-less into a phonics/traditional/right vs whole word/progressive/left dichotomy.

    Unlike other fields such as medicine or science such disagreements would quickly be resolved by evidence and proofs of practice and not sink to ideological quarrels that disrupt standard practice.

    In education, this toxic soup harms its clientele. The fallout is the high rate of illiterates in our communities and prisons and the embarrassing reading remediation classes in universities.

    Illiteracy is still a scandal in developed countries, which should not by any account be tolerating such sabotage of essential services. With medical malpractice clients die and their relatives sue. With education malpractice crippled clients have no legal standing.

    Without going into the long tedious background of the reading wars one slice of history alone will suffice to distill the issue.

    In 1990 in the UK a cognitive psychologist, Martin Turner, issued a pamphlet — Sponsored Reading Failure — setting off a “brouhaha” about declining reading scores. Government, academics, the media and public were fully engaged and enraged.

    A year later without any substantial resolution or promise of good intent, Turner lamented the lack of uptake. A journal, Support For Learning, published Turner’s article, “Finding Out” (Vol6#3,1991) and in the preface to Turner’s article gave a brief summary of the “national controversy”, saying, “The accompanying publicity, and indeed hysteria . . . prompted . . . two investigations.”

    Turner basically enlarged on his earlier claims:

    – “. . . the decline has surpassed the most pessimistic expectations . . . The machinery of cover-up has creaked and groaned but the main point has been conceded”
    – “. . . one tragic insight is the extent to which what individuals think and say privately differs from what they feel free, against the prevailing orthodoxy to say in public. There is the ever-present and oppressive sense of threat.”
    – “the fourfold increase in the number of pupils with the significant underfunctioning in reading was . . . most apparent in the more affluent area, not as one normally expects, in a socially deprived area”.
    – “. . . there has been an undeniable de-emphasis throughout the 1980s on the actual skills of learning to read. A ‘progressive’ movement has attempted to influence teacher behavior away from phonic instruction and toward learning through ‘real books’”
    – “The rise of the new orthodoxy parallels exactly the decline in reading achievement.”
    – “. . . with all the publicity, little or no real curiosity has been evinced about what is really going on . . . Does nobody care to find out? “

    The next issue of Support for Learning (Vol6#4,1991) produced a response from another academic, David Wray — “A chapter of errors: A response to Martin Turner”. Again, the journal in its abstract to the article did some editorializing:

    [Martin Turner asserted that declining reading levels in primary school children were directly linked] “. . . to the widespread use of ‘psycholinguistic’ approaches. Readers were challenged to give an alternative explanation of the research findings. David Wray accepts the challenge. He is clearly angry . . . [Wray’s] investigations lead him to the conclusion that there is no relationship between teaching method and achievement. Indeed, poor levels of reading may well be due to matters largely beyond teacher control . . . Wray finally condemns Turner and others for their simplistic explanations . . . “

    Wray brought forth these responses:

    – “I have many times over the past months felt extremely angry at Mr Turner for sparking off such a wave of teacher-bashing . . . Demoralised personnel in an under-funded and over-extended service . . . need nurture and support, not gratuitous attacks.”
    – “ . . .the profession is under-valued, over-scrutinised and, particularly, under-paid.”
    – “ A second area which has come back into the headlines is social background . . . increase in poverty, unemployment, homelessness and a decrease in welfare provision . . . “
    – “But what about these teaching methods? . . . Turner, and other phonics apologists, continually make the claim that ‘the weight of research findings’ supports their position.”
    – “It should be fairly clear that approaches to the teaching of reading . . . demonstrate anything but ‘a narrow, impoverished view of reading’ in Turner’s words. Indeed, in the face of this, it would be a phonics-first approach which would be in greater danger of being narrow and impoverished.”
    – “Whole language programmes are clearly not built upon a ‘narrow, impoverished view of reading’. They are in fact, far more in tune with the findings of a whole range of research than are the methods seemingly proposed by Turner.”
    – “The teaching of reading is far too important and far too complex for simplistic analyses such as that of Martin Turner to be of any use whatsoever . . . “

    As a parent and grandparent, active in education reform efforts, I see no resolution to these two divergent claims to certainty in reading methodology. If I had a “say” I would wish to have a clear choice between approaches. I would expect that the teacher of any of my primary-aged future great grandchildren would be well-prepared to enable skilled, confident reading. I am reminded of William James’ observation of the infant’s start on this marvelous journey of deciphering the world and the need for discerning, guiding parents and teachers on that quest:

    “The baby, assailed by eyes, ears, nose, skin, and entrails at once, feels it all as one great blooming, buzzing confusion… (The Principles of Psychology, p. 462.)

    [posted on Webs of Substance blog 20150218 —, EDUCAN and Education Consumers Clearinghouse.]

  4. UN to change economic order ?

    February 15, 2015 by Tunya

    Settled Science Or Fraud, AGW Is Still Just A Tool To Change The World Order

    I came across a twitter reminder by Patrick Moore, former Greenpeace activist now an Anthropogenic Global Warming skeptic — “in case you had forgotten the IPCC wants to smash capitalism” — “intentionally transform economic development model”, Feb 12, 2015.  The link provided is

    (ISC readers please note that Robin mentions Christiana Figueres in her Jan 19, 2015 post.)

    Quotes from the article:

    – U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare

    – the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism

    – “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," says Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change.


    Questions arising:


    1. Just WHO is this “we”?  Are these people already in our communities?
    2. WHAT is the “defined period of time”?  Has this shift already started?
    3. WHAT is to replace the current “economic development model” (capitalism, free-market system, spontaneous natural order or whatever other names apply to the present state of affairs)?
    4. From WHOM do these UN officials get their authority to start imposing this new order?
    5. WHAT are the signals we can see to warn us that this is happening in our communities without our general knowledge or consent?
    6. WHICH means of persuasion will be used to pretend this is democracy in action?
    7. Could the shift — already noticed in our education systems — from traditional learning to 21st Century Learning Paradigm Shift be part of this overarching plan, again without general knowledge or consent?



  5. Ed Change Agents Come to Vancouver

    January 24, 2015 by Tunya

    GELP Comes To Town — Vancouver, Canada

    Of course, our province of British Columbia is part of the international coordinated network accelerating and pushing 21st C Learning.

    One of the main Change Agents in this “School Transformation” movement is, we know, Michael Fullan. Recently while housecleaning, I found papers showing he has been in BC from at least 1989 — that’s 25 years ago! 25 years of relationship building, massaging the notables, passing on the techniques for “leadership” of this “movement”, etc. His keynote was “New Cultures for School Improvement” at the “International Education Conference — Enhancing School Quality: Theory into Practice, Nov 1989.

    We've had our share of these Change Agents — Pasi Sahlberg, Andy Hargreaves, etc. — it’s not easy for the common observer to know much about the machinations behind the scenes of “needed” education transformation. So much is stealth work, behind the scenes, with the occasional obligatory “public consultation” — not authentic, merely a pro forma exercise.

    Such is the case with the latest manifestation of “public involvement”. On January 29, in order for us to remain on the “international stage” a panel of experts will engage “influential education, economic and business stakeholders” — “Why Education Needs To Transform”. Two of the main speakers will be Tony MacKay and David Albury, Directors of GELP (Global Education Leaders Partnership). Another Director, Valerie Hannon, has been here a few years back. British Columbia, from their literature, is considered a “jurisdiction” of GELP, along with others as Colorado, Kentucky, Finland, etc. It’s as if somewhere (?) there was a meeting of contending “transformation agencies” to carve up the arena ???

    Anyway, here is the link to the news release.

    Because there was such a clamor when this came out — invited guests only — a Webcast is now to be produced for people to listen in. I’m still trying to figure out this inscrutable note, but hope to listen when the time comes: “As the Wosk Centre has a limited number of seats, we invite you to follow the #BCedForum on Twitter @bcedplan and access a live webcast of the event here beginning at 8:30 a.m. (PST) on January 29th.” We’ll see IF it really is accessible. Two days ago I listened to the webcast from Fordham on ESEA, interesting, and I find it is still available on their site.

    I'll prepare a checklist of frequently used words — deeper learning, competencies, collaboration, etc.

    [published in Invisible Serfs Collar 150124]