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‘Parent Tribal Memory’ Category

  1. 21 st Century Parents – Education Enigmas

    September 12, 2014 by Tunya

    Education Experiments Should Have Strict Protocols


    One of the self-identified “challenges” noted by this program — UDL, Universal Design for Learning — “concerns about parents not understanding” — says loads about the proper, or should it be said, improper preparation of this program.

    Is it already in place, rolled out, with adequately prepared teachers, with students assigned to the program, with evaluation checklists for all involved (including parents), with the parents involved in planning, and the principal equally prepared and accountable? Just some questions.

    Are there opt-out provisions? Can parents be satisfied that the academic part of the school’s mandate is not displaced or limited by the “social-emotional learning” mission of UDL? How much parent involvement is expected and in what spheres — fund-raising or actual advisory capacity to the school and regarding their own individual child?

    Is it time for the parents to promote a Parents’ Charter in this school?

    This 1977 codified Parent Rights document might help in shaping a more instrumental role for parents in this school, and particularly note these parts:

    Parent Rights and Their Children’s Education

    5 The right to involvement . . .
    c) to consultation before fundamental changes are made which affect the parents, the child, or the total school climate

    6 The right to safeguards

    d) to expect strict supervision over new programs, innovations and experiments, and that parents have special rights in these instances:

    i) to receive a written description of the program, rationale, goals and supporting references;
    ii) to grant or refuse permission for their child’s attendance
    iii) to receive satisfaction that the program is run by qualified, well-prepared personnel
    iv) to be involved in the ongoing evaluation.

    Remember: The parent signs the child into the school — anew — each year. There is an understood, unwritten, CONTRACT here. Usually, as with most parents, there is an expectation that the basics, the fundamental tools and skills of learning will be acquired and that knowledge of one’s world will also be transmitted. Parents are wise to also check the school-issued “Student Code of Conduct” which the parent is also required to sign-off on. However, does this, in effect, give to the school the parents’ “negative permission” or “negative consent”, or consent by default — meaning that unless a parent “signs OFF” in the case of new programming, that their consent is assumed? Check the possible tricky wording here.

    Remember: Parents on the whole still want the “traditional” elements of education to be assured. New approaches and programs should be justified by evidence, and supported by all parties affected. Parents should be intimately informed and involved in new ventures in a public school.

    Also remember: It is the parent who is ultimately responsible for the child’s education. How openly (OR stealthily) a new program is brought in and embraces parents as the primary managers (or not) is a measure of how credible and well-intentioned a new program proves to be.

    This fast-paced 21st Century is throwing a lot of hurdles — never before confronted — our way. Parents, as regarding how they have the primary oversight over tender, immature beings in their care, have a daunting challenge. It’s imperative that educators and parents be obliged to work together for shared goals vis-à-vis the versatile citizens the future expects.

    Footnote: It is these kinds of issues as noted above that motivate more parents to undertake home education — where they are the educator and parent — so as to avoid the conflicts of conscience that arise when there is discord between these two critical roles during a child’s development.


  2. Kids in red shirts in BC protests

    September 10, 2014 by Tunya

    [See this story Teachers Heckly Premier ]


    BC is only 25% hard core socialist, so it’s too soon for kids to wear red shirts.

    Remember: Two days ago — See CKNW

    Please look at the story, even if you didn’t go to the link about the Rally. The banner for this new group says “WEAR RED”. I made a comment and asked: “Do we want BC and Vancouver in RED shirts?” I gave a link to the president of the Chicago Teachers Union addressing the BCTF at their August meeting in Kamloops.

    Then I gave a link showing Chicago teachers at their long strike wearing red shirts. I should have mentioned then, but will now. A number of shirts and protest signs had the logo of the ISO, the International Socialist Organization. The vice-president of CTU is a well-known Marxist, who speaks at Marxist conferences.

    One of the comments to the Chicago story mentioned the historical fact of the Communist Goals recorded in the Congressional Record: Of the 45 goals, here are two of them:

    17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations . . .
    19. Use student riots to foment public protests . . .

    OK, guys and gals. Please look at this photo on this CKNW story. Copy it into your computers. Enlarge it. Print it. What do you see? Do you see three children, maybe 4, clothed in red shirts?

    I protest, using those kids to heckle the Premier !

    How soon, when school starts again, instead of the Soviet Red Scarves, before we see students wearing red shirts in BC?

  3. $40 Day Initiative A breakthrough for parent rights in education

    September 8, 2014 by Tunya


    $40 Day Government Initiative Is An Article Of Faith In Parents

    On July 31, 2014, BC Finance Minister, Mike de Jong, announced the $40 day initiative to pay parents during a teacher strike: "Parents can utilize that money to acquire tutoring for their children, they can use the money to explore other educational opportunities as they see fit and for some parents, it'll be basic daycare."

    Headlines that call this payout “childcare subsidies” do an enormous disservice both to the intent of the funding initiative and the many efforts that parents are now assembling to keep up to their children’s educational needs. 

    Why isn’t some well-meaning media outfit reporting the many opportunities that parents, ex-teachers and community organizations have already organized for education, learning and skill training? Find out how many have already started homeschooling programs.

    I’m really hoping this initiative is a start to government devolution of the rigid centralized system to one that will encourage and inspire people to innovate and find resources that will fulfill the diverse needs and talents of children in this modern era.  The possibilities are immense and exciting.  Why are we bound to these rigid, man-made regulations which so repeatedly cough-up turmoil to what could be nature’s way to be responsive and loving to people’s needs?

    Let’s not forget what public education historically is about.  It’s about states’ efforts to give all parents equal opportunities to have their children educated apart from those parents who have already been teaching them themselves, providing tutors, or sending them off to private schools.  Government assistance to public education was never meant to be indoctrination through government schooling.  It was part of the safety-net thinking to help those who were unable to do it alone, financially or physically. 

    This $40 day reimbursement is there to help those parents, who — having already registered their children in public schools — now find themselves deprived and left high and dry because of a walkout by government workers.  By virtue of being the parents or caregivers they have a rightful claim to the education funds collected from taxpayers for the education of the young in our province.

    Further down the line, parents will be negotiating for a claim for the education of their children 13 and older and for those needing extra premiums for special needs.

    [published to CKNW article on “childcare”, and to BCCPAC 20140908]

  4. Education Payout to Parents goes to support teacher strike

    September 5, 2014 by Tunya


    WANTED: Legal Beagle Re: $40 donation to BCTF

    On July 31, 2014, BC Finance Minister, Mike de Jong announced the $40 day initiative to pay parents: "Parents can utilize that money to acquire tutoring for their children, they can use the money to explore other educational opportunities as they see fit and for some parents, it'll be basic daycare."


    Government knows that taxpayer money collected for education is earmarked FOR education. Since parents are ultimately responsible for the healthy development and education of their children it seems very appropriate to direct some of those assigned funds to parents whose chosen schools are unavailable due to a teacher strike.


    A number of other good governance principles are also met by this bold move: Devolution, Diversity, Innovation, etc. Please see my blog post — Education Debit Account Idea —
    Now, if that $40 payout is to be used to help fund the “BC Teachers Federation”, as the PayPal directions specify, isn’t this a gross misdirection of taxpayer money?


    Can some lawyer please advise?
    [Posted on a # of media.  No offers of legal help or interpretation of legality yet.]






  5. Numbers Relating to the Teacher Strike

    September 3, 2014 by Tunya


    [posted in Victoria Times Coloinist regarding column — Now is the day of our national disgrace  by Geoff Johnson —, Sept 02 '14.  Below is my comment Sept 03]

    #’s Count

    From Geoff's column:

    1 ½ million (500,000) children barred from BC public education because of teacher strike.

    2 BCTF members got $4000 signing bonus 2006. All other civil servants got $3000. Did BCTF get extra through tough bargaining?

    From other records:

    3 Globe & Mail says: “Since teachers won the right to collective bargaining in 1987 there have been 52 strikes, a series of controversial legislation, bitter court battles and only a single new contract signed without the aid of strikes or legislation.”

    4 Poor math till Vaughn Palmer figures 0+0+2=11: "Dix has rosy view of role in ’98 teachers deal.

    5 Court cases: How many judges does it take to settle an issue? The Griffin decisions were made by 1 judge (Griffin) — 2X. The Appeal Court will have 5 judges, Oct. 14-16. The Supreme Court of Canada will have 9 judges. Would you rather have one judge or 9 looking at a case?

    6 How many years of turmoil have all governments of different stripes had with BCTF? Answer: 40+. See “Worlds Apart: BC Schools, Politics & Labour Relations Before & After 1972”, Thomas Fleming 2011, Bendall Bks.

    7 What was Jim Iker upset about today besides Christy Clark’s request to stop the strike and go into mediation? "$40 day to parents." So, If it’s for day care, is that what public school is about? But, if it will be used for “tutoring or other educational opportunities” as Finance Minister de Jong hopes, then parents will just be seeking what the public schools were supposed to deliver, and parents are doing THEIR JOB by their children — ensuring that they get an education.

    8 Are teachers poorly off? Of course, some are suffering at the moment, regrettably, due to no pay, but when employed they are in the top 10% of workers in Canada. “Canadian teachers are some of the best paid in the world, earning generous salaries for working nine months a year and retiring early with a generous pension indexed to inflation. Most

    Canadians would be ecstatic at such good fortune but union culture always demands more no matter what.” (High times for the public sector, National Post, Aug 28, ’14

    Yes, these 500,000 students and their parents are caught in a “disgraceful history” as Geoff Johnson, ex school superintendent concludes. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” 

    – Einstein (attributed)